Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Holy God what is wrong with American Idol fans?
Do you feel ill yet?
Yes, these people are obsessing over people they have never (and most likely will never) know. Just because some people showed up on their TV for a few months, they feel as if they are these Idol contestants' BFFs. Seriously, writing Mary Sue fan fiction? Stalking on contestants' Myspace pages and even stalking them in their hotels? Barricading the fucking hotel so the AI winner can't get past them? Then trying to justify their pathetic actions and arguing with anyone who points out that they are a waste of humanity?
I fully and readily admit that I was a huge NSYNC and Backstreet Boys fan back in the day. But I was like, 10. Some of these fuckers are 40. Besides, I never even saw either band live, nor did I ever sit down and write a bunch of tard letters or fan fiction. Why? Because even as a tween, I had a life. Hell, I ran a *NSYNC fan site, but even that was mostly for the music, not for the members themselves. Plus, that was strictly a weekend activity. I can't even imagine sitting on these message boards for hours on end talking to other people about what the object of our affection is doing at that very moment. Even when I was little that seemed like a pointless waste of time when I had music lessons, homework, and chores to do.
Fast forward to when I was about 15. I can't even remember what I was really digging then. Probably because again, I had a life. I was more concerned with my music lessons, school, friends, and home life. Yet some of these teenaged idoltards waste hours of valuable time online making ridiculous and embarassing Youtube videos that make no damn sense, arguing with other fans, and/or making the same fucking message board posts over and over. What the hell? If my kids ever start that shit I'm going to smack them. It makes you wonder if these kids are even having normal social interactions with others. It can't be healthy to do nothing but sit in front of a computer chatting about the same subject day in and day out. And these kids' grades must be plummetting.
But what about those old bags, the 30+ crowd fawning over people who are in some cases young enough to be their children? Absolutely disgusting. At least with the younger ones there's a chance they will grow out of it. These women should fucking know better. They have their own families, their own spouses, but apparently not their own lives. It also shows the double entendre in this society, because a man their age lusting after a young female in the same manner would automatically be accused of being a pedo. Yet, these women are simply "COUGARS LOLOLOLOL." No, these women are just as creepy as the men. We shouldn't let these stupid excuses go idly by.
But these people would argue until blue in the face that their obsessions are harmless. Bullshit. When it gets to the point where people are running down the halls of the hotel where the idol contestants are staying, banging on the doors so they can't sleep, and barricading the hotel so they can't get past them, it has become VERY serious and potentially dangerous. Just ask the family of Selena how far crazed fans can go. Not to mention that you can't know who's on the other side of the screen. These people are giving out entirely too much information about themselves, and it's very easy to find people from just a bit of information.
Looking back at everything, I kinda hope the world will end in 2012. If this is the way our society's going, we just need to end it now.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What Your Taste in Music Says About You |
![]() Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. |
Athletic? I dance and jump arounda lot, does that count?
You Should Play the Accordion |
![]() You are eccentric, funky, wacky... definitely one of a kind. People have trouble putting you in any one particular category. You definitely have your own thing going on. You are a born entertainer. No wonder you'd be perfect as an one man (or one woman) band. Your musical influences likely cross all genres - and blend together in a very unusual way. While you are definitely offbeat, you also enjoy tradition and influences from the past. It's just your style to take an old fashioned instrument like the accordion and make it uniquely yours. Your dominant personality characteristic: your total inhibition Your secondary personality characteristic: your interest in obscure activities and subjects |
That's my true calling in life. The accordion. I'm going to play metal though. \m/
You Are Punk Music |
![]() You've thought long and hard about what mainstream society has to offer... And you've pretty much decided that most normal things aren't for you. You're creative, expressive, and likely to do things yourself. You are a rebel and a fighter. You'll defend your point of view to anyone. |
Uh huh.
So anyway. Next weekend I get to go to NC for my cousin's wedding, then to the boonies of Southwestern VA for a family reunion the following weekend. So basically, I'll be seeing both sides of my family in two weeks. Kind of odd, seeing as to how I hardly ever see either side of my family, then suddenly everyone has something going on. It's funny too, because my dad's side and my mom's side are so vastly different from each other. I'm always surprised that my parents have lasted this long without killing each other yet. LOL.
Last.fm changed its look this week, much to the dismay of thousands of whiny users. I myself don't like it that much, but then again, I don't subscribe (in other words, pay for a few extra services that I would never utilize), nor do I actually sit there and stare at the website for hours on in, so I don't really care. But DAMN are some people bitching. It just kind of makes you wonder. People freak out over the oddest things and I ask myself, "Does the new layout of a website really affect people's lives in the long run?" Probably not. So why worry? I can semi understand the subscribers bitching, since all of them were in the beta and there was much dislike even then. But oh well. As I said before, it's a website. There are much more important things in the world, or at least there should be something more important in their personal lives. I hope.
I've almost completely given up on my sweater. Though I'm sure the conversions are correct this time, the pattern itself keeps fucking things up. Instead of just straight knitting, I'm supposed to work in seed stitch. But I may have to try it in regular stockinette so that the pattern doesn't keep getting fucked. ARGH. I should picked a less frustrating hobby, like scrapbooking or gardening or watching paint dry.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Okay, seriously people. As a black person this absolutely disgusts me. If we want to get ahead and stop being seen as subhuman, STOP FUCKING ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF ANIMALS. What the fuck is wrong with the black culture that makes this acceptable? Biting and attacking police officers because your fucktard ass didn't want to pick up your damn trash? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell did MLK fight for and die for if this is how you're going to act?
It's upsetting for me because I try so hard to defeat these stereotypes and show that not all blacks are like that, and I know many other people who do the same. Then some group of fucktards comes along and pulls some shit like that, then wonder why racism is still so prevalent and holler about stereotyping. Act like the fucking human beings you're supposed to be and we might have a chance of getting rid of most of it. Goddamn.
And yes, I know part of it's the pack mentality mindset that all humans have, but seriously, this violent shit happens way too often in black communities. What is wrong with us?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Shit I'm bored.
Anyway. Fun meme time.
9 Layers
A meme to peel aways the layers of you.
-- Name: Tina/Tinnerz/Tibbz/T/Dumb Bitch
-- Birth date: August 21, 1988
-- Birthplace: Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
-- Current Location: Still there sometimes, otherwise at the University of Mary Washington
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Hair Color: Blackbrown. Yes that's a color. LOL.
-- Height: 5'7"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Supposedly a Leo, but I think that's wrong.
-- Your heritage: New Guinese/Irish/Native American/African/English/everything under the sun
-- The shoes you wore today: Chuck Taylors
-- Your weakness: Animals of any kind
-- Your fears: Spiders, death, clowns to an extent
-- Your perfect pizza: Every type of meat available
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Long marriage with a bunch of kids and pets, hopefully be a stay at home mom
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "LOL"
-- Your first waking thoughts: "AHHH FUCKK"
-- Your best physical feature: My physical features are all awesome.
-- Your most missed memory: Thanksgivings at my grandparents house, down in the boonies of southwestern VA
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: BK
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: Converse
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Whatever's there
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-- Smoke: No
-- Cuss: Like a motherfuckin sailor
-- Sing: All the time
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: Probably
-- Want to go to college: Already there
-- Liked high school: Only the last year or so
-- Want to get married: God yes
-- Believe in yourself: Sure do
-- Get motion sickness: No
-- Think you're attractive: I'm the hottest bitch around
-- Think you're a health freak: HELL no
-- Get along with your parent(s): Now I do, lol
-- Like thunderstorms: Sometimes
-- Play an instrument: Four of 'em
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Made Out: No
-- Gone on a date: No
-- Gone to the mall?: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No
-- Eaten sushi: No
-- Been on stage: No
-- Been dumped: No
-- Gone skating: No
-- Made homemade cookies: No
-- Gone skinny dipping: No (GOD, I FAIL AT LIFE!)
-- Dyed your hair: NO
-- Stolen Anything: NO
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
-- Been caught "doing something": No
-- Been called a tease: Haha, I plead the fifth
-- Gotten beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Briefly in the oh so malleable days of middle school
-- Age you hope to be married: 25
-- Numbers and Names of Children: We'll figure that out when we get there
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Not something I'm concerned with yet
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep, or in some awesomely brutal yet quick way such as an explosion
-- Where you want to go to college: Well I'm already at Mary Wash...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A mom
-- What country would you most like to visit: Greece
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: None, because I'm not stupid
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 7
-- Number of CDs that I own: Too many
-- Number of piercings: None, so far
-- Number of tattoos: None, so far
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Possibly once
-- Number of scars on my body: At least 20
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Absolutely nothing
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Because baby birds are awesome.
I was supposed to be helping my father put a new screen door up a few days ago, but how could I resist this little bundle of cute? This is the one closest to me, and the only one I could ever get a decent picture of. It looks like it's giving me the stink eye. Probably is.
You can see the others' mouths in this one. My tiny friend is like, "Oh shut up and get that camera out of my face, I'm trying to sleep, dammit."
FYI, these are baby robins. Mama Robin didn't seem to mind me at all. She kept a close eye on me, but as soon as I backed about 5 feet away from the nest she returned to her youngins. I'm glad I didn't get my brains pecked out.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A pictoral adventure in knitting successes and epic failures
This of course isn't my first hat, but it is my first working from the top down. It was an easy knit too. I probably knocked this bitch out in a couple of days. You can't see it well in this picture, but it has a nice rib along the bottom that I quite like. Plus it fits snug (because I mean...it's a beanie) which I love. I'll definitely probably be using this pattern again, but hopefully using some different colors so I don't look like such a goth all the time. It's the one problem I have with my knitting: I'm always using dark colored yarn, which of course allows for more fuckuppery by me. The original pattern also had some stripes, but I wasn't feeling quite daring enough to attempt them. Onward...
Arm/wrist warmers. Yes, so I can be a scene kid
And now...all aboard the fail boat.
This is supposed to be the back section of a jacket/sweater I'm attempting. I had to convert the original pattern due to my needles and yarn choice, but sweet Jesus did I fuck that shit up. The thing that sucks the hardest is that I've ripped out and restarted this fucker at least 10 times by now. Which is why it is currently sitting on a pile of books and DVDs, looking sad and like a 5 year old with ADHD made it. I'm waiting until I can think clearly about it without wondering why I'm such a fuckhead. It's obvious it has something to do with my gauge conversions and my general knitting abilities. And I mean, look at the top part:
SRSLY WTF DID I DO? I must have forgotten to take my meds that day, or something. And I remember thinking, "Oh I'll just finish it, maybe it'll look right when I'm done." FALSE. It looks more retarded finished than it did while I was working. So soon I need to sit down and go over the original pattern and my converted pattern to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I think the main problem is that I have to do a shitton of math for it. And it's a well known fact that math and I just don't get along. I think I chose the wrong fucking hobby. LOL.
And those are my current adventures. Hopefully, I'll get this shit worked out and I can say that I'm fabulous again.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
All faith is gone in humanity.
- Idletard.com: If you don't hate middle-aged American Idol fanatics who have long lost grip on reality already, you sure as hell will now.
- A girl (name withheld) with whom I used to be best friends with in elementary and middle school, sent me a Myspace message out of the blue to call me, among other things, a "butch dyke" because I had apparently said something not-so flattering about her. In all honesty, I don't even remember thinking about her since I left high school. So I figure, it's some shit from high school that this chick is bringing up. But no, I apparently said this about a month ago. I'm thinking, "Who the hell have I even talked to that she talks to? No one." So bitch is crazy. And I laugh. Yet I have to wonder, why is it that she was so bothered by the idea of me saying something when we haven't spoken to each other in years? Hell, if it'd been the other way around I probably would have forgotten it within the hour. I was done caring what other people thought or said about me quite some time ago. If you live life constantly concerned about what other people think of you and fighting unnecessary battles, you're never going to get anywhere in life.
- SecuROM. This shit royally fucked up my computer, part of the reason why I haven't been online as much. EA Games maintains that this shit isn't malware, yet TWO of my anti-malware programs caught it as a rootkit. Shit started screwing up my CD and DVD drives, my anti-virus, and even caused some memory leakage. Furthermore, Sony, the company who makes SecuROM, got into trouble a few years back because they were putting anti-piracy software that fucked up computers on music CDs. I had to send several CDs back to them so they could be replaced. So I've been buying EA's games, mostly Sim games, since the mid 90s and what I get for my years of support and money is a nearly ruined computer? Fuck you, Maxis. The bitch of it all is that SecuROM is hacked as easily as any other anti-piracy software, and with pirated games you don't get malware shit on your computer. So EA Games can suck my ass, I'm pirating games from now on. ARR.
- Youtube comments. Seriously, have you ever tried to read them? It's like jamming an icepick into your urethra whilst having lemon juice squeezed into your eyes. I've never seen such idiocy nor raping of the English language in one place. What is it about the Internet that turns so many people into total fucktards?
- This dumbass kid. Or, Darwinism at its finest. At 17 years old, he should've known better than to scale 2 safety fences for a fucking hat. The funniest part for me, morbidly of course, is the fact that my friends and I have an ongoing joke using the phrase, "Oops, I forgot my hat." This is said when we say goodbye, but are still present 5 minutes later and/or had to come back for some reason. Thus, when this first hit the press, my inbox was filled with links to the above and "FORGOT MY HAT." Morbid humor. Always grand.
- The fact that someone felt this needed to be studied. I hate the prejudice, racism, sexism and homophobia that still proliferates in the world. People are people, and when people get over petty differences and trying to label everyone things could be much better.
Rant over. I need to sleep.