Although it can be argued that I've been braindead for some time, I actually now am starting to feel it. Probably because this is the last week of classes, next week are finals, and then the semester's over. HOH SHIT. Luckily I only have 2 actual exams, the other 3 are papers, and one of those papers I've already done. So it shouldn't be too bad.
However, this week just fucking kicked my ass. I had an Ancient Greek grammar handbook to write (SERIOUS amounts of fun, dead languages are), a 10 minute presentation and an 8 page paper for my History seminar (about the battle of Thermopylae pass - the reason why my "OMG I'M GOING TO BLOG ABOUT THE PERSIAN WARS LOL" kick died quickly), another presentation about the future of labor union healthcare under President-Elect Obama (a group project, so it wasn't too bad), and readings about museums that I didn't give a shit about. Basically, this week sucked. I came in from class today and just collapsed into bed with a humongous cup of coffee and a sugar cookie, turned on MST3K and died. AND I HAVEN'T THOUGHT SINCE.
*Five minutes later*
A mini Nerf gun war just occurred between roomie and I. We called it a draw. Clearly, nothing will be accomplished in this room tonight.
I feel like playing Fallout 3 and killing mutants. Also, it will be a good way to not be productive.
Now playing: Radiohead - Pyramid Song
Hello world!
8 years ago
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