Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Sims 3 Review: 5 Months Later

Okay, so it’s been about 5 months since I last played TS3.  Has my opinion changed?

The answer is: slightly.

  • Seamless neighborhood: still yay.
  • Traits: yay, sometimes to a loltastic extent.
  • Voice customization: has grown on me.
  • Graphic effects: good, but I’m getting some really weird looking glitches this time around.  More on that later.
  • Moodlets: yay, but like the graphics I think something is fucked up.
  • Jobs: still enjoying them and the opportunities.  However, it still seems too easy, and I’d enjoy more careers.  Maybe that’s in the World Adventures expansion, I honestly have no fucking idea.
  • Base items:  less issues with the lack of content with Mod The Sims and other custom content sites.  Current problems with custom content will be discussed later as well.
  • Lack of Body Shop: given the amount of custom content, people have obviously found some other method of making their own shit.  So this is no longer an issue, especially since I don’t even play this game anymore.
  • Faces: Less strange looking to me.  Then again I’ve been melting my mind playing Fallout 3, and the dead-shark eyes, stiff movements, and lack of facial expressions of those characters make most anything better.
  • Motive system: can’t really tell because I don’t even pay that much attention to them.  Also, I don’t remember what the Sims 2 system was like at all.
  • Behavior: nothing the Awesomemod couldn’t solve.
  • Community rabbit holes: meh.
  • Stand-alone game: I s’pose.  Again, it’s been so long since I’ve played Sims 2, and fucking ages since I’ve played Sims 1, that I barely even remember what they entail.
  • One neighborhood: I think they’re fixing that with a Create-A-World program I just saw literally an hour ago.
  • Storytelling mode: again, Awesomemod (and probably some of the patches, too) solved everything.  The shit that happens when I’m not watching makes sense now.
  • Sims 3 Store: still a bunch of bullshit.  The uploads on Mod The Sims are better than anything I’ve seen in the store.

My main problem this go around is mainly with EAxis and the developers of the game.  Why?  This time around, there seem to be a shitton more glitches and issues.  From the quick searching I did, it seems like they’re more related to the patches.  Basically, their patches screwed up more shit than they fixed, or at least created more issues.  Then the guy who makes Awesomemod has to fix their mistakes, because he actually fixes shit in a timely manner and releases the mod for free, unlike the multi-million dollar company who just say they’ve identified the problem and are working on it.  Great.

First problem, I can’t install 90% of the custom content I downloaded.  I didn’t have this problem before.  It will say that the items have installed, but it will have lied to me.  Seriously, fuck you too, Sims 3 Launcher.  And others are having the same issues.  It’s not like I can’t play without custom shoes, but goddamn I would hope that a game I paid $50 for would what it’s supposed to.

Graphics issues are also quite apparent.  One of my pixel dudes was teaching his toddler how to walk, and he helped the child stand up from a good sim-meter away, not even touching the child.  Either that’s a graphical error or my sim is a jedi.  Their pixel lady neighbor also read a book but it was levitating a few sim-inches away from her hands.  Seriously, if the goal was to make all Sims jedi then that’s great.  Otherwise, I am concerned.

There are also some gameplay glitches.  Some of the moodlets’ influence on mood seems completely borked.  Teen!Mortimer Goth had the “Anxious to Advance” moodlet, which is something like –15 on mood. He also had the Honor Roll and Beautiful Vista moodlets, which I don’t remember exactly what their influence is but I’m positive they would outweigh the negative one.  All of his motives were in the green.  Yet, his mood was down in the red.  WAT.  I exited the house, switched to a different household and back, and it seemed to be fixed.  Huh.

Look, I understand that this is a ridiculously fucking complex game.  I think most people understand that.  However, it’s still a product that you want consumers to buy.  Consumers aren’t going to buy or want to play a screwy product.  I would be willing to wait longer to get something if I knew that most of the bugs would be worked out.  But it seems that EAxis just sort of throws patches together, puts them up and then walks away.  Even some of the Sims 2 patches were pretty fucking awful.  Seriously, they should just do more testing.  It’s definitely worthwhile in the end.  Or hire some of these modders, because they’re making EAxis look pretty bad.

Basically my point is, decent game, shitty development.  EAxis definitely needs to pay more attention to their consumers, or at least spend more time testing their shit to make sure what should be functional actually is.  Even if there are bugs, they get them fixed in a timely manner so that their consumers aren’t saying, “Well they’re not going to fix it anytime soon, so let’s see what we can do.”  Creates a nice comradery between them, but again, it makes EAxis look shitty and almost like a joke.

Time to go see if I can edit some files and get this shit working.


MaiiNour said...

I don't think I've ever heard anything
I've agreed with more than this MY WHOLE
Yesterday when I installed world adventures
And happily spent a shit load of time
Downloading custom content and just thinking
I'm making everything bettetr, and man was I wrong.
I managed to do something, lord knows what, to make
my game freeze as soon as its in the start up loader.

Not giving up and shit, I went to the live chat help on the sims 3 page
And I was told I had to update my graphic card. I did.

If your wondering if it worked.. It didn't.

I then went back on and saw that a new topic came on saying about how the
Newest nvidia graphic card didn't go with the sims 3 and users should "revert back" to an older version.
At this point I'm thinking.... Alright ... I get into another live chat,
This time with a douche and he tells me to just uninstall it and reinstall.


So I did infact uninstall it, closed my cpu and went to sleep. FML and EAxis with it.

Tina said...

I'm glad you agree!

I also did a review on World Adventures. In my opinion, you're not really missing much. However, I had the freeze/crash to desktop shit when I first installed it. It turned out to be issues with the custom content. If you didn't already have it, try using the TS3 Install Helper Monkey ( That seemed to fix my issue, at least.

Let me know if that fixes it. See, there's a reason why one of my nicknames is Tech Support.

MaiiNour said...

Sadly, I did have the installer monkey
When the whole freeze/crash thing was happening.
It did infact work after I reinstalled it so I feel a little
Melo dramatic =P

I'm about to try the monkey installer again but I don't think its compatible with WA
I'm about to check now though.

Ahh, whatever happened to just making a folder, name it downloads
and put all your custom content in it v_v

Tina said...

Sims 2 custom content installation was the shit.

The other reason why it freezes sometimes is that the computer doesn't have the right requirements to run the game. However, it sounds like you were able to run the base game with no problem, so this makes absolutely no sense. Hell, EAxis makes no sense. Do they expect you to buy a different graphic card just so you can play? Seems to me that they should update their damn product to make sure it works with current hardware.

If you have mods, do you have the latest versions? Also try checking your sound drivers. I'm just throwing out ideas as they come to me.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine bought a whole new CPU so she can play the sims 3 >_>
So yes, I am familiar with the lengths people go to for this game.

So after much procrastination and one SAT exam, I tried the installer monkey again,
it didn't freeze this time but it didn't install anything into the game either.

And yeah I make sure I'm downloading the latest ones,
I came to conclusion that the first freeze was probably cause
I didn't pay much attention to that.

And the sound drivers? -idiotic question coming up-
What's the sound driver got to do with it? D:

Tina said...

I know it sounds weird, but there are some really, really strange factors that can cause programs to screw up. Including sound drivers. That probably isn't your issue if it's not freezing anymore.

Maybe take a look at the suggestions here:

I know it says "previously installed content" but it might still work. Might.

Anonymous said...

I will and I'll let you know how it goes =D

So Mrs/Mr. Tinnerz howd you become so informed in the world
Of technical issues. Other than being pushed there (aswell as the brink of suicide)
By EAxis

P.s Got a facebook??

P.p.s I know I'm posting as annonymus but I've
forgotten my password and cannot for the life of me (or "lazy" of me)
Do the procedures of getting it back over my phone,
which is what I'm using to post here X)

Tina said...

It's Ms. I've grown up with computers, my family has always had at least one since I've been alive. The first two I remember were an Apple 2E and an IBM that you had to type in the C prompts for. Sometimes I miss C prompts. At any rate, I basically had to have some basic computer knowledge because back in 1990, tech support was even more hilariously awful.

I was also a computer science major for a while. I switched to history because I wanted a social life and to get away from computers at least for a bit.

I do have a facebook but I keep it for close friends and family only. Sorry. I do have a myspace, link is somewhere over on the right side of the screen.