Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And...I still forget I have a blog.

So Valentine's Day is coming soon, which means old memories will be brought up. Ugh. You know how there are times that you forget 50 weeks out of the year, but then for about two weeks it hangs on you like a damn monkey on a tree? Yeah, that's my life right now. Not going into details, though.

Still playing on Vote for the Worst. I finally got a t-shirt too, but my timing was maybe not the best with all the election stuff happening now, haha. It's been sort of annoying trying to explain to people what VFTW really is.

Speaking of election shit, Bill Clinton visited my college today to campaign for his cyborg wife. I had the option of skipping class and going, but I really fucking hate Hillary. Bill, didn't mind too much. But her, GOD I hate her. Also, there's a cutie in my Greek class and I like my eye candy. So screw the Clintons, I'm waiting for Obama.

Also, Crysis is a fantastic game. I bought a new video card simply for that game. That's how much I love it.

Saturday night I went to this place in Maryland called Glen Echo with my swing dance club. It was a fucking blast, but my legs still ache. Hey, you try dancing in heels for 4 hours straight. However, my legs will look great if I continue such a workout. Basically in swing dancing, as the female, you are thrown all over the dance floor and have to stay on your feet and, if your lead sucks ass, figure out what the hell your partner is doing. Some of the guys were really fucking good, and for some odd reason the Asian men in particular. Dudes know how to get their swing on. On the way back we got coffee and chips, and listened to the Beatles. I can't wait to go again, it was so fucking awesome. I'm such a swing nerd, LOL.

Anyway, my typing is probably annoying my room mate who is trying to sleep, haha, so I'd better get off here. Adios.

Now playing: Jeff Buckley - Dream Brother
via FoxyTunes

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