Someone on gave this astoundingly awesome comment about Radiohead:
This is how I interpret Radiohead's albums and what they've meant with each release.Pretty much sums up my feelings as well.
Pablo Honey - "Hello. We're Radiohead. This song is called Creep"
The Bends - "FUCK OFF, critics. We're not a one hit wonder, assholes. This album proves we're a million times better than that yet-to-come faggot Chris Martin"
Ok Computer - "FUCK OFF, mainstream rock. We're going to produce an electro-computerized-guitar-rock album that blows your fucking mind and sets off the alternative craze for generations to come."
Kid A - "FUCK OFF, commercial success and radio/mtv outlets. We're sick and tired of being so damn glamorized that this album will be so experimental and radio-unfriendly that we're hoping to shed off a bulk of our bullshit fans, and yet it will still kick major fucking ass."
Amensiac - (same as "Kid A" but part 2)
Hail to the Thief - "FUCK OFF, George Bush for stealing the elections. And fuck you if you thought we didn't have it in us to produce a more commercially sound album, again."
In Rainbows - "FUCK OFF, RIAA! This album kicks insane amounts of ass and you will not make a penny off of it, you dirty money-hording grimy lil' bastards."
And THAT, my friends, is why I have so much damn respect for Radiohead.
Anyway, I only have one class tomorrow, but I need to read a bit before then. Fall break is on Friday, and I'm stoked to go home and play with my gecko. Later.
Now playing: Radiohead - House Of Cards
via FoxyTunes